On Communion in the hand
The Holy Father John Paul II to the pilgrims: “There is an apostolic letter that the existence of this special permission is valid, But I tell, that I am not in favor of it… neither will I recommend it! The special permission was given because it was the wish of some diocesan bishops.”
Mother Theresa according to Father George Rutler:
“Wherever I go in the whole world, the thing that makes me saddest… is watching people receive Communion in hand!!!”
Our Lady according to “Pachi”, the young Visionary from Ecuador: “If I were to receive Jesus today, I would receive him on the Tongue and Kneeling.”
Join the Holy Father's Communion Crusade!
Kneel for Communion!
Pope Benedict XVI is trying to lead by example.
When we drag close to the Roman Pontiff, We cannot be farther from Schism or Division!
us kneel to Receive Jesus in holy Communion. Your Reverent Persistence
will soon give others the courage to kneel and earn many graces!
The Church Needs You!
The Pope Needs You!
Jesus Needs You!
Come, let us Adore Him!
God bless those who humble themselves before you, by kneeling to receive your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!
It is all about you, Jesus!
Pope Benedict XVI does not want the faithful receiving communion in the hand… Nor does he want them Standing to receive Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. He said, “We Christians kneel before the blessed Sacrament because, therein, we know and believe to be the presence of the One True God! Kneeling and adoration before the Eucharist is the most valid… and radical remedy against the idolatries of yesterday and today.” (May 22, 2008)
Pope's action is in accord of the Church 2000 year tradition and is
being done… to foster a renewed love and respect of the Eucharist, which
presently is being mocked and treated with contempt.
The Various
trends and Innovations of Our time.(Guitar Liturgy, Altar girls, lay
ministers, communion in the hand) have worked together to destroy our
regard for the Eucharist, thus advancing the Spiritual Death of the
all, the Eucharist is the very life and heartbeat of the Mystical body
around which the entire Church must revolve. Kneeling also coincides
with the Church's centuries old ordinance… the only consecrated hands of
the Priest touch the Body of Christ in the Holy Communion.(Council of
St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica; “Because
out of reverence towards this Sacrament… nothing touches it, but what
is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice and consecrated… and
likewise the priest's hands, for touching this Sacrament.” Holland's Council of Rouen (650 AD)
communion in the hand's practice was condemned as SACRILEGIOUS.
Communion in the Hand is carried on illegally and has become a Major
tool of the enemy to destroy the Faith throughout the World. For this
practice serves no other purpose than to wrap our conception of Jesus
Christ and Nourish a contempt for the Sacred Mysteries.
It's no wonder St. Basil referred to Communion in the hand as “A Grave Fault!”
Kneeling and receiving the Eucharist on the tongue could shed light on the truth of the real presence of the Eucharist it helps the devotion of the faithful and introduces them more easily to a sense of Mystery, though some will no doubt say this is a step backward in a retrograde move by the Pope.
The pope is merely establishing a protocol consistent with church teaching the Catholic Church teaches that the Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Jesus, then why shouldn't reverence be shown whenever that little line from the Scriptures at the name of Jesus every knee shall bend, for Centuries Catholics would have never dreamt of touching the Eucharist.
It was taught that we shouldn't even bite the host, but that it should be allowed to dissolve in the mouth.
According to his Excellency Cardinal Francis Arinze “After
Second Vatican Council some liturgy experts began to spread this idea,
and we have reached a stage we are some now against kneeling if you
kneel they are ash on you, they treat you as if you did something wrong
what is wrong with that if you believe that Christ is our God, and he is
present why don't you kneel why don't you crawl why not sure show
How to Receive Holy Communion by Tongue

2. Stick out your tongue.
3. Close your eyes and keep your head still.
4. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
5. Please do not chew the Holy Communion.
Warning : Spiritual growth, additional grace and miracles have been known to occur when Catholic faithfully receive Holy Communion by kneeling and by Tongue.
End With the biblical verse Acts 28:26
“They have eyes, but they cannot see; they have ears, but they cannot hear…"
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