Humanity in People around

Humanity in People around 


Today I am going to talk about another story of a police man. In our daily life we see n number of people around us passing in our life where few play a important role in shaping our life and our society defining who we are. We see some homeless people, beggar and other in our daily routine where some people intend to help this people by giving money, food or clothes and other even good people what they do just ignore as if they are not on there sight to look at them.


Here the story which took place in Namakkal, Tamil Nadu as daily routine people are going to work there was a girl on the road in very badly dressed and walking, people are seeing the girl but not trying to ask what had happened to the girl seeing this one cops near the girl approaching to ask what had happen and try to help her. Approaching the girl the cop asked who she are you? without any response to the cop she is still walking, I don't know whether she understand what I'm saying or not but continued to walk seeing the girl the cop went to the nearby clothe shop bought an dress and gave the girl wearing the dress suddenly she knelt down holding her stomach in pain, the cop seeing this took her to the hotel and gave her the food seeing the food she started to eat in such a way as she was hungry for few days after she finished here food she asked water to drink, drinking the water her eyes filled in tears this the cop realized that there is some problem to this girl again who are you and from where you came here?  in reply the girl responded the cop but he could not understand what she is speaking thinking she is not from this place, it's not better for the girl to be her alone since he didn't knew the girl he taught that to take her to the nearby old age home and leave the girl there. After  the cop took her to the old age home over there was a person who had able to understand her language since the cop had no idea what she was talking after this the old  person told the girl is speaking in Telugu. And she said that, there family live in a small village in telangana they all went to the festival in there town and in the festival she was some who lost and separated from here family and know I don't know how I reached her. The cop hearing this tried to contact their parents were they live since he is a cop he tried to find out his there any missing complaint on her in his state. 

Verifying this there was a missing complaint on the girl in the there nearby police station. Knowing this the next magic happens the cop himself took her to there parents where they stay. After the parents seeing their child filled with tears and thanked the cop for saving and bringing their daughter back to them, they further told we don't know she went to Tamil Nadu and we where searching for her in  our place for days. Finally the parents thanked the cop from the bottom of the heart for help their daughter.
I think even to this day cop like such, are there and his is want humanity lies.

Will see on other post comment on the humanity of the cop

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