"Behold from now on will all ages call me blessed the mighty one has done great things for me and holy"
Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus greet you all in the holy name of Jesus peace be with you today our mother church celebrates the feast of

Our Lady of Assumption this feast is celebrated as yearly in the late 4th century in the early 8th century it was also well established the assumption of mary was celebrated in the west under pope sergius the first in the 8th century and pope leo the fourth confirmed the feast as official of the church since the holy bible does not to say what happened to mother mary and the apostles after the pentecost some records we could get from saint luke in the acts of the apostles and some more information from the letters of saint paul and others the bible does not give complete acts of the church therefore we need to depend upon the tradition to know about the life of apostles and other incidents the feast of the assumption and it is also called darmishin according to this weave we have churches which is dedicated to bonamarte our lady of good death this shows that some claim that mother mary died and taken into heaven some say that she did not die but taken into heaven while she was alive theologian's debate about the assumption continued following the reformation but the people celebrated the assumption as part of the cult of mary that flourished from the middle ages.
In 1950 pope Pius XII defined it as a dogma for the Catholic Church the Universal Church believes and teaches that she has assumed into heaven john of Damascus could set out what had become the standard eastern tradition that mary died in the presence of the apostles but that her tomb, when opened upon the request of Saint Thomas, was found empty there from the apostles concluded that the body was taken up to heaven in some verses of the story the event is said to have taken place in Ephesus in the house of the virgin mary this is much more a recent and localized tradition the earliest edition says that mary's of life centered in Jerusalem and the tomb of mother mary is said to be in the Gethsemane by the seventh century the variation of stories and tradition emerged according to which more dominating one is the apostles often identified as saint Thomas was not present at the death of mary

Later arrival pre-city precipitates the re-opening of mary's tomb which is found to be empty except for her except her grave clothes in later tradition mary drops her cradle down to the apostles from heaven as testament to the event this incident is debated in many related paintings of assumption chapter 12 of the book of Revelation which speaks of women clothed with the son who escapes the dragon by fleeing into the wilderness to be nourished for a time and times and half a time might possibly be a reference to mother mary's immortality but the early church identified the woman with the church we also read in the book of revelation chapter 12 verse 1 a great sign appeared in the sky a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars though it indicates the church the mystical body of christ since mother mary is the bearer of the physical body of christ she could also be interpreted when we say that women appeared in the sky further the scripture says revelation 12:17.
Then the dragon became angry with the women and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring those who keep god's commandments and bear witness to Jesus it is explicitly known the struggle we the children of God enter go while we are living for the faith since paul says
1 Corinthians 15:20-22 but now Christ has been raised from the dead the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep for since death came through a human being the resurrection of the dead came also through a human being but just as a just as in adam all die so true in christ all shall be brought to life mother Mary the mother of Jesus our Lord is alive with Jesus because she died with him Colossians 2:12 says you were buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God who raised him from the dead we are not very sure whether mother mary baptized or not but we can be sure that she would be with our Lord in heaven the feast of assumption reminds us that we also will be with the lord after the physical death.
If we live a holy life as a child of God while on earth which is very short while comparing with the eternal life as in paul says Romans 8:18-19 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us for creation abides with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God let ask our Lord to give us his grace to see our mother mary and Jesus in heaven
God bless you and your family and the intercession of Mother Mary be with you.
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