Forgiveness is Divine to Forgive is Divine
Mt 18:21-35Forgiveness is Divine to Forgive is Divine
In this gospel, peter came to Jesus and asked regarding the forgiveness for his brother
"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus in answered replied, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.
To help peter to understand Jesus says a parable of Unmerciful.

‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’
Mercy received by one is not giving mercy to others on his need
Why did he didn't forgive when he received forgiveness?
Why should we Forgive?
That is what we pray in "Lord's Prayer"
forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors but God is giving unconditional forgiveness for us We need to remember we all are not perfect, righteous and not good people, but the reason God is not looking our mistake or sins This is forgiveness
If God doesn't forgive in our life we cannot live our life
So we cannot ask ourselves how can I forgive him? who sinned against me cheated me?
Why don't you forgive others, when God forgives you when you received, is forgiveness
In a family, the father was not talking to the son for a long period of time when he was too old even the son was not talking to the father. So, the wife of the man came to the priest and explained to his problem in the family So the priest when went to his son and talked about the problem the son replied the priest "No" you don't know about my father his full of pride and strict he doesn't listen to what I say, the priest said you come with me I will talk with your when the priest and the son came to the house his father has he entered the house he started to shout him "Why did you come to Get out from my sight!" Has he said this word and as he turned his head in anger he died, seeing this his wife replied the priest "Why did you kill him!" This is what the priest went to solve the problem but in return, he when into the problem. It is the mistake of him who filled with anger and haterade with his son turning his head he died.
Even in today's world filled with anger and haterade will I forgive him? If Jesus says this to us? Our life will be waste, use of nothing. Break all your pride, anger, haterade in life.
Even In the family, we are not forgiving parents to a son, wife to husband, husband to wife, family to neighbors

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
To be free from the curse, your disease, your problem. Forgive others in life, Before placing your sacrifice on the altar make peace with others whom you are not forgiving or enemy, forgive them and come to place your sacrifice. I don't want your sacrifice rather, I want your humble heart, the heart of forgiveness, the heart of mercy, the heart of repentanceFor our life to blessed, to be happy
Forgive others, Forgive others in life
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