Mt 15:22-23 And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” But Jesus did not say a word in answer to her. Jesus’ disciples came and asked him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.”
Mt 15:26 Even then "It is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."
When praying one should be stronger,
When praying one should be without ceasing,
When praying one should be humble.
This the incident that occurred in Vatican city, her a man came to the Vatican library to read the book in that library, he searches the book which none as read until now so he searches the author of the book and started to read the book. While reading some book are interesting to read while some are very bored so this book which the man was reading was not a book to read the book, even then in persistence to finish the book he reached to the end page of the book. In the last page of the book where was a letter in which written "Go and give this page to the bank manager" In giving this letter to the bank manager written "Whoever brings this letter give all my property and the things which all I owe" The name of the book is
"Aiming Excellence"
The Canaanite where the one who should not speak to Jews, Jesus meets the Canaanite woman Jesus did not say a word in answer to her, the disciple with Jesus was interceding for the woman yet Jesus didn't answer.Her to understand that at times God appears to be silent
The women were patience in his prayer with humble, but when we pray we don't have patience, humble when I pray it should happen now, what I ask that should be done, If I go I get it when I stand it should be received to me is how we pray.
For 15 years I'm praying, For 10 years I'm praying, From the time of my marriage I'm praying I have no child there is not persistence without ceasing pray, If receiving to what you prayed he is blessing your faith If he is not hearing your prayer he is increasing your faith.
So brothers and sisters simply whisper, I have not received what I ask my prayers are not answered instead of these keep on praying without ceasing keep on praying keep on fighting keep on listening keep on keep on knocking you will be answered.
This is what Jesus said to ask you shall receive, knock the door will open, Surely God will listen to our prayer open our door. What we need to learn from this Canaanite woman is how to pray, how to pray without ceasing, how to humble ourself, how to pray to Jesus
Ask with faith you will receive, when? Anyone Don't know? But it will happen for sure
So let's have persistence in our payer, boldness in our prayer humbleness in our prayer, then our prayer's will be heard our prayers will be blessed
This is what Jesus said to ask you shall receive, knock the door will open, Surely God will listen to our prayer open our door. What we need to learn from this Canaanite woman is how to pray, how to pray without ceasing, how to humble ourself, how to pray to Jesus
Ask with faith you will receive, when? Anyone Don't know? But it will happen for sure
So let's have persistence in our payer, boldness in our prayer humbleness in our prayer, then our prayer's will be heard our prayers will be blessed
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