Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni Miracle's


 Our Lady's vision to a shepherd boy

The story goes back to 16th Century a shepherd boy from the village used to carry milk every day to a rich man in Nagapattinam and which is ten kilometres away on an unusually hot summer day the boy was tired and thirsty so he stopped near a small pond on whose bank was a huge banyan tree after quenching his thirst with the water from the pond he rested for a while in the shade of the banyan tree soon the boy fell into a deep sleep suddenly he was amazed by the sweet vision of a beautiful lady holding in her hand a most charming child of divine appearance the boy could not take his eyes off the lady in the child he was spellbound by this heavenly vision the lady greeted him with a motherly smile and asked the shepherd boy for some milk for her child he joyfully offered the milk and seeing of a Bilssful Smile spread over the face of the heavenly baby the boy experienced deep satisfaction the lady hands over the leftover milk pot to the boy and blesses him for his gratefulness he was amazed by this vision of the lady of celestial Beauty holding a lovely child in her arms the boy continued his journey with half-empty milk pot when he reached home of the rich man to whom he used to carry the milk every day he begged to be excused for his unusual delay and for the shortage of milk the boy narrated to the rich man about the apparition he had of a lady of uncommon beauty will the cherubic child him how he had given a portion of the mill tea was carrying to the child of the lady's request as the rich man opened the lid of the mill pot to their surprise the pot was overflowing with the milk the story of the apparition of the lady and child in the miraculous overflowing of the milk spread like wildfire throughout the neighborhood the master was fascinated by the extraordinary phenomenon witnessed by the boy and he hastened to the spot where the lady had appeared with her child. Mother Mary and the Child Jesus appeared to them there is an encouraging Vision and Future plan of God in the place 

Our Lady vision in Curing the Lame Boy

Our Lady to the buttermilk vendor a few years later Vailankanni was privileged to be blessed with another apparition of the Blessed Mother and this time to a poor lame boy of the village there was a poor Widow and her name son lived in Velenkanai the widow would carry the lame boy and leave him under the banyan tree with a pot of buttermilk for livelihood the boy used to sell buttermilk for thirsty travelers who took shelter under the banyan tree on an extremely hot day the boy was waiting for customers but as no one turned up he was little disappointed but his disappointment turned into a joy when he saw a lady of stunning beauty standing before him holding a baby of dazzling beauty in her arms the lady looked at the boy with a charming smile and asked him for a cup of buttermilk for the child without hesitation the boy gave her a cup of buttermilk with a sense of deep satisfaction the boy saw the lady feeding her child with the buttermilk he had offered her the lady gratefully acknowledged the youths generosity and requested another favor of him Mary asked the boy to go to Nagapattinam him to tell a certain Catholic man living there that she and her son had appeared in the area and that he should build a church there to commemorate the apparition the boy told Mary that he'd like to go but he couldn't walk on his own so he had to wait for his mother to arrive at the end of the day and carry him there Mary urged him to try and when he did he realized that he had been miraculously healed of his disability the boy then ran to Nagapattinam to narrate the apparition to the gentleman he informed the gentleman that she had sent him as her messenger to ask him to build a chapel in her honor in Vailankanni the gentleman had no doubt in believing the boy as he himself had a similar vision of our lady in his sleep the previous night bidding him build a chapel in her honor with the willing cooperation of the people of that locality the man erected a chapel for our lady at the sight of her second appearance in vain and this Chapel became a holy place of veneration to our Blessed Mother and she was called henceforth Mother of Good Health (“Arokia Matha”) in Tamil.

Our Lady Saving the Portuguese Sailor from the Storm

Portuguese sailors ship caught in a storm the third incident occurred when the Portuguese sailors were sailing from Macau to Colombo through Bay of Bengal while it was cruising towards the West to reach the Bay of Bengal it was caught in a violent storm the storm grew violent in the waves rose high the high waves hit the ship hard and the sailors were terrified the helpless sailors fell on their knees and prayed to mother Mary star of the sea for their rescue they vowed to build a church in her honor wherever she helped them land safely their sincere prayer was instantly heard and all of a sudden the stone was subsided and sea became calm soon the ship was pushed to safety to the shores of Vailankanni on landing the first thing the sailors did was to fall on their knees and thank God in the Blessed Virgin Mary for having saved their lives next they transformed the chapel erected by the Catholic gentleman of nagger patting him into a beautiful stone build chapel in Thanksgiving the sailors rebored the shrine to our lady of good health and continued to enhance it whenever their voyage brought them to the area the merchants dedicated the chapel to Our Lady on September 8th to celebrate the Feast of her Nativity in to mark the date of their safe landing to Vailankanni the shrine was elevated to the status of minor Basilica and merged with the major Basilica of Mary. 

Ave Maria.
God bless you all

Parable of the Good Samaritan


 Parable of the Good Samaritan 

(Luke 10:25-37)
Be a Good Samaritan for others
Bible story so that we can understand its meaning for us, much simple to understand the parable to be merciful as your heavenly father
A man comes up to Jesus and asks, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus poses the question back at him and he rightly answers that we are to love God and love our neighbor. Then he asks Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus answers with the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Who are the Priest, Levite, Samaritan?
Priest - The priests' primary responsibility is to make offerings for the people at the Temple to purify them and gain forgiveness for their sins.
Levite - The Levites were the priestly tribe of Israel. They also worked in the Temple on behalf of the Jewish people.
Good Samaritan
It is likely that the priest and the Levite did not go near the victim's body because he looked dead and touching a dead body required a ritual washing.
Samaritan - The Samaritans were descendants of the Northern tribes of Israel. Rather than going into exile with the rest of Israel, the Samaritan's ancestors stayed in Israel and intermarried with Gentiles. Therefore, the Jews did not think of them as either Gentiles or Jews. The Jews of Jesus' time did not associate with the Samaritans people.

The question to ask to reflect ourself
- If you be like the priest or the Levite in the story? Why was it hard to help someone in need?
- If you be like the good Samaritan in the story? What made you want to help someone in need?
- If you be like the victim in the story? Who was your Good Samaritan?

Jesus teaches it is better to help with one hand than worshipping with both hands in more detail Jesus as "I desire mercy, and not sacrifice" The priest and Levite were not helping in dead, and touching a dead body required a ritual washing. Where in the Samaritan took pity on and helped him
Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? asked Jesus, the man replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
then Jesus "Go and do likewise" teaching us whoever in need of your help is your neighbor.

You may be a priest or Levite or Samaritan help the one in need world lives through mercy No better way to understand to we can do to inherit eternal life "Go and do the same as the Samaritan. As Jesus asked in Mt 25:35 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat?, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink?" He wants us to be helpful for others In the parable in the man who fell into the hands of robbers is an example in which Jesus can be the man in the hands of robbers So to make ourselves righteous we should not ask when you were? Whatever you do to the least of your brother and sister you do unto me.

So let's be the one to help others as helping Jesus, see Jesus in others in our life through our words and actions. Jesus said Thomas in Jn 20:29 Thomas "because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." We are blessed and believed him, in the same way, to help others with the presence of Jesus in them. Let's share the love of Jesus through our deeds

Be Useful- The parable of Sower

   Be Useful- The parable of Sower

This is the most commonly heard Reading  by us during the mass
The parable of Sower
Gospel: MT 13:18-23
What is God trying to say is in simple words Be Useful.
In-home no one as to as say to others what is your Use? Waste? .Use of being alive in the world? Is there any purpose in your life? In what way you are bearing fruit to others? In what way you are helping others? No one is happy because of your presence? What is your use?
The Question asked by our parents what is the use of your presence? Do parents Ask? Yes! asking doesn't change, but bear fruit is useful.
Priest in early time has to go far to celebrate the mass. One day when a priest went the place to celebrate mass on his way there was a thief who came before him showing the knife he robbed all the money from the priest, the priest thereafter replied here I have given all that I have but remember what I say

 "You will bear for what you do"                                          

After a long period of 15 years, the same priest returned to the same parish. After the Mass the same person came before the priest and said "Do you remember me father" he said in reply "NO" the person in reply said I am the one who robbed the money from you 15 years ago and you said in turn "You will bear for what you do" Yeah! I remember so still with the same knife!
No Father what you said that came to be true...I lost my wife, my daughter even after marriage she is in my house but Father now I am changed I turn my life to be useful for others, what I'm now in a completely changed one. So person stole money is not a problem but now He is completely changed my life to be useful to others.

As a priest to the parish, the Husband should be useful for the wife, wife for husband, children for parents in all ways be useful for others in your words, action, work which are our daily seed which we sow in our life. The parable of Sower teaches us to be useful whoever it may yield a hundred or sixty or thirty-fold but be useful
Jesus teaches us to sow our-self in him to be useful the sowing the seed should be sown our hearts. There comes the path, rocky ground, thorns where the seed fell yet the one which falls on the soil produces a crop with yielding change yourself to be useful for others there come many problems occur but try to be useful for other truly and not for need so that they may help you. God doesn't except more than this
So be useful for other the life God gave to us.

"Be Useful"

Be Patience when you Pray

Mt 15:22-23  And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.”  But Jesus did not say a word in answer to her. Jesus’ disciples came and asked him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.”

Mt 15:26 Even then "It is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."
Jesus teaches about how to be patience in our prayer to have faith and increase our faith
When praying one should be stronger,
When praying one should be without ceasing,
When praying one should be humble.
This the incident that occurred in Vatican city, her a man came to the Vatican library to read the book in that library, he searches the book which none as read until now so he searches the author of the book and started to read the book. While reading some book are interesting to read while some are very bored so this book which the man was reading was not a book to read the book, even then in persistence to finish the book he reached to the end page of the book. In the last page of the book where was a letter in which written "Go and give this page to the bank manager" In giving this letter to the bank manager written "Whoever brings this letter give all my property and the things which all I owe" The name of the book is

"Aiming Excellence"

The Canaanite where the one who should not speak to Jews, Jesus meets the Canaanite woman Jesus did not say a word in answer to her, the disciple with Jesus was interceding for the woman yet Jesus didn't answer.

Her to understand that at times God appears to be silent
The women were patience in his prayer with humble, but when we pray we don't have patience, humble when I pray it should happen now, what I ask that should be done, If I go I get it when I stand it should be received to me is how we pray.

For 15 years I'm praying, For 10 years I'm praying, From the time of my marriage I'm praying I have no child there is not persistence without ceasing pray, If receiving to what you prayed he is blessing your faith If he is not hearing your prayer he is increasing your faith. 

So brothers and sisters simply whisper, I have not received what I ask my prayers are not answered instead of these keep on praying without ceasing keep on praying keep on fighting keep on listening keep on keep on knocking you will be answered.
This is what Jesus said to ask you shall receive, knock the door will open, Surely God will listen to our prayer open our door. What we need to learn from this Canaanite woman is how to pray, how to pray without ceasing, how to humble ourself, how to pray to Jesus
Ask with faith you will receive, when? Anyone Don't know? But it will happen for sure
So let's have persistence in our payer, boldness in our prayer humbleness in our prayer, then our prayer's will be heard our prayers will be blessed

Jesus Mercy - The Woman caught in adultery

 The Woman Caught in adultery 

Gospel according to St. John
Jn 8:1-11
Here the Scribes and Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery and brought in her in the midst of Jesus, said to him, "Master, this woman has now been caught in adultery. The Law of Moses commanded us to stone such a person. What do you say?"Here the Scribes and Pharisees were trying to test Jesus.
Jesus teach about "Justice and Mercy"

If He said to stone the women he is not merciful and on the other hand, if he says do not it he is against the law of Moses. Jesus, stooping down he began to write with his finger on the ground.We don't know what Jesus wrote.But when they continued asking him,he raised himself and said to them.

"Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her"

and again stooping down he began to write with his finger on the ground. Hearing this they went one by one, beginning with the eldest. And Jesus remained alone, with the woman standing in the midst. Jesus raising himself said to Woman Where are they? Has NO one Condemned you?
She said "NO One Lord" Then Jesus said "Neither will I condemn thee. Go thy way,and from now on sin no more"
Jesus teaches many things in this situation where to be Merciful to other and where you need to hold Justice for other. Let sinner not be punished by sinner, ultimately leaving only the woman and Jesus the one without sin, the one who alone could cast the first stone. However, the woman receives mercy instead, with the admonition to sin no more.
Jesus further teaches Judge yourself before you judge anyone else. Jesus showed her mercy to the woman caught in adultery "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her" to the scribes and pharisees.He didn't disobey the Law but said to them

"Stone her!" but the one without sin cast the first stone.                                              

If the woman who caught in the adultery was normal woman obeying his husband and taking care of his children.She could not be able to get the Mercy and the forgiveness of sin.If we were in time of Jesus his teaching are very bold, that break our pride in pieces either we surrender our self completely or Condemn him to death along with the Scribes and Pharisees.No one is sinless Everyone are Sinner. Jesus help to understanding to hate sins and Not Sinner.
Mercy, in the words of St. John Paul II, “signifies a special power of love, which prevails over the sin and infidelity” of the world.

Mary Mother of Jesus

   Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

"All Generation shall call me blessed"

Virgin Mary has held a place of honor for Catholics.

Mother Mary plays an important role in the mystery of Christ and the spirit has been treated, it is fitting now to consider her place in the mystery of the church."The Virgin Mary is acknowledged and honored as being truly the mother of God and of the redeemer. She is clearly the mother of the members of christ since she has by her charity joined in bringing about the birth of believers in the church, who are members of its head.

Their number of doctrines teaching about Mother Mary but the main four dogmas of Mary to the catholic church is

1.Mother of God

2.Immaculate Conception

3.Perpetual virginity


are the pillar teaching of Mother Mary. Mary is the example perfect in faith and prayer. Mother Mary play a major role in the salvation of the world through Jesus which happened through Mary.

No Mary No Jesus for our salvation If No Mary then there is no salvation through Jesus, If No Jesus we cannot see the Love and mercy of God, Jesus the visible form of the Invisible God. God has chosen a humble woman of Nazareth named Mary. When the angel came and appeared to mary and proclaim the message Mary replied "How will this be, since I am a virgin?", because till now the birth of a child is born through man and woman so mary raises the question, angel in reply said "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." The one who is to born for salvation should be free from sin, free from lust.

Mary was a very bold young girl. Mary lived in the period in which if the woman was conceived without a husband the women should be stone to Death. And the only mary was with Jesus till the end of life. Right from birth to his death. So Mary is the full source to know about Jesus's life.

Mary's role in the Church is inseparable from her union with Christ and flows directly from it. "This union of the mother with the son in the work of Salvation is made manifest from the time of Christ's virginal conception up to his death".

At her Annunciation and giving her consent to the Incarnation, Mary was already collaborating with the whole work her Son was to accomplish. She is a mother wherever he is a Savior and head of the Mystical Body. The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of her Son's Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of his Body.

After the birth of Jesus according to the law of Moses they took him up to Jerusalem to present the Lord, where Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his Mother "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce" which Mary kept within her heart in surrendering her to the Will of God

Jesus lived for 33 years and only a few things we know about Jesus, Mary the full source about the life of Jesus. It is Mary who at the wedding in Cana of Galilee asked Jesus to do the need, Jesus said "My hour has not yet come." Yet Mary Knew who Jesus his what he can do even the disciple didn't know what Jesus can Do.

Jesus teaches everything as an example for people to understand, while he was teaching in the crowd mary and his brothers were waiting outside wanting to speak to him, Jesus said: “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers for whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother", Indirectly said about her Mother who has fully surrendered herself in doing the will of God right from her conception As Jesus knew the will of God, Mary to knew what is the will of God.

The Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from a stain of original sin, when the course of the earthly life was finished, was taken into heavenly glory, and exalted by Lord as Queen over all things fully conformed to her son the lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death. The Assumption of the blessed virgin is a singular participation in her Son's Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of the other Christian.

"We believe that the Holy Mother of God, the new Eve, Mother of the Church, continues in heaven to exercise her maternal role of the Member of Christ"

As Jesus is the personal experience, Mary too is a personal experience has God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. So too Mary gave his only Son for the world for the forgiveness of our sin. If we think in practical NO Mother can see her son be to beaten, punished, and crucified to death, yet She says leave my child and punish me. Even to the death of his son, Mary remained with Jesus teaching what is the love of mother and child. NO one can love Jesus beyond Mary

Mary can be honored by repenting from sins for which mary gave her only son for our sins for which God sent his one and only son for our sin

Proclaim the Gospel

Proclaim the Gospel

So this is What God Say to Ezekiel
He kept the Scroll in mouth Ezekiel!

Ezekiel 3:2-4

2. I opened my mouth; he gave me the scroll to eat
3.and then said, 'Son of man, feed on this scroll which I am giving you and eat your fill.' So I ate it, and it tasted sweet as honey.
4. He then said, 'Son of man, go to the House of Israel and tell them what I have said.

All the church has a parish priest
who reassemble the presence of Christ in the altar during Eucharist
And in a parish, it cannot be possible that all the people in the parish like the parish priest
If all of them like the priest he is not doing his service properly to god
And always there a group of people who are against the opinion of the priest or gossip about the priest or saying something bad about the priest or writing an unknown letter about his behavior
similarly in one of the parishes, the priest knowing these people and thought of what to do regarding this problem which all parish priest face
So, One day during the Eucharistic celebration this priest during the mass before the homily he kept a set of shaving material before him and was shaving in front of all the parish people during the homily
seeing this the people who were against the parish priest wrote a nameless letter to the bishop of the diocese
Regarding the priest what he did during the Eucharistic
After few days the priest received a call from the bishop of his parish saying what have you done during the mass, don't you know the altar is the presence of the Christ hearing all this from the bishop the priest gave a response to the situation occurred
After all the next Sunday the priest said what happens what I did something weird and some wrote a letter regarding what I did to the bishop
Now I am not bothered about that but, thereafter he told
And any of you remember what I told you people to do the previous Sunday "Go and proclaim the Gospel" did any of you did that or said to your friend or neighbor? but something weird what I did you tell to others what the priest did on the mass to the bishop and other whom you know! So why don't you show the same eager in spreading the Gospel, which I proclaim the previous Sunday?
Showing Eager to do Bad than doing Good?

Why did God didn't show him or given in his hand
So and proclaim what I feed you to others through your words and action

"God Bless"

The Hidden Treasure

Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44

Jesus explains the kingdom of heaven to a field hidden with treasure.
"The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man happens to find a treasure hidden in a field. He covers it up again, and is so happy that he goes and sells everything he has, and then goes back and buys that field."

Everyone has a dream to find the treasure Who is the treasure in the parable which Jesus explained?
When you fully encounter Jesus like his first disciple did you will be ready to leave every else and follow which are not of the world and As paul encountered Jesus he left everything to follow Jesus. Paul says in Galatians 2:20 It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives. It does hold deep meaning the treasure all the people who pay heed to the word of God and strive to follow it the man who finds this treasure is Jesus the field stand for the world. Jesus our savior gave up everything his privilege has God to come into this world and suffered for our sake for then he gave every drop of blood for our salvation.
And Jesus the man who bought the treasure giving his life as a value for the sinner to enter the kingdom of Heaven.

What is the treasure for me in this life?

Our hearts know what our real treasures are. For everyone who searches for it finds it this treasure can be a fossil, ancient coins, a chest full of gold coins, Jewellery or other valuables which people of the world consider as a treasure in life which can help in need or make the life of the man in the more luxurious way than the present. But the treasure upon earth will moth and rust but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven through your works.

Finding the treasure is Jesus, Jesus the treasure of our life. This treasure gives us the heart of Christ to live according to his word the treasure of Jesus is not materialistic of the world but it the personal experience of Jesus and surrendering ourselves to follow the will of God.

The Assumption of Mary

 "Behold from now on will all ages call me blessed the mighty one has done great things for me and holy"

Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus greet you all in the holy name of Jesus peace be with you today our mother church celebrates the feast of
Our Lady of Assumption this feast is celebrated as yearly in the late 4th century in the early 8th century it was also well established the assumption of mary was celebrated in the west under pope sergius the first in the 8th century and pope leo the fourth confirmed the feast as official of the church since the holy bible does not to say what happened to mother mary and the apostles after the pentecost some records we could get from saint luke in the acts of the apostles and some more information from the letters of saint paul and others the bible does not give complete acts of the church therefore we need to depend upon the tradition to know about the life of apostles and other incidents the feast of the assumption and it is also called darmishin according to this weave we have churches which is dedicated to bonamarte our lady of good death this shows that some claim that mother mary died and taken into heaven some say that she did not die but taken into heaven while she was alive theologian's debate about the assumption continued following the reformation but the people celebrated the assumption as part of the cult of mary that flourished from the middle ages.

In 1950 pope Pius XII defined it as a dogma for the Catholic Church the Universal Church believes and teaches that she has assumed into heaven john of Damascus could set out what had become the standard eastern tradition that mary died in the presence of the apostles but that her tomb, when opened upon the request of Saint Thomas, was found empty there from the apostles concluded that the body was taken up to heaven in some verses of the story the event is said to have taken place in Ephesus in the house of the virgin mary this is much more a recent and localized tradition the earliest edition says that mary's of life centered in Jerusalem and the tomb of mother mary is said to be in the Gethsemane by the seventh century the variation of stories and tradition emerged according to which more dominating one is the apostles often identified as saint Thomas was not present at the death of mary
Later arrival pre-city precipitates the re-opening of mary's tomb which is found to be empty except for her except her grave clothes in later tradition mary drops her cradle down to the apostles from heaven as testament to the event this incident is debated in many related paintings of assumption chapter 12 of the book of Revelation which speaks of women clothed with the son who escapes the dragon by fleeing into the wilderness to be nourished for a time and times and half a time might possibly be a reference to mother mary's immortality but the early church identified the woman with the church we also read in the book of revelation chapter 12 verse 1 a great sign appeared in the sky a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars though it indicates the church the mystical body of christ since mother mary is the bearer of the physical body of christ she could also be interpreted when we say that women appeared in the sky further the scripture says revelation 12:17.
Then the dragon became angry with the women and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring those who keep god's commandments and bear witness to Jesus it is explicitly known the struggle we the children of God enter go while we are living for the faith since paul says

1 Corinthians 15:20-22 but now Christ has been raised from the dead the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep for since death came through a human being the resurrection of the dead came also through a human being but just as a just as in adam all die so true in christ all shall be brought to life mother Mary the mother of Jesus our Lord is alive with Jesus because she died with him Colossians 2:12 says you were buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God who raised him from the dead we are not very sure whether mother mary baptized or not but we can be sure that she would be with our Lord in heaven the feast of assumption reminds us that we also will be with the lord after the physical death.

If we live a holy life as a child of God while on earth which is very short while comparing with the eternal life as in paul says Romans 8:18-19 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us for creation abides with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God let ask our Lord to give us his grace to see our mother mary and Jesus in heaven
God bless you and your family and the intercession of Mother Mary be with you. 

Forgiveness is Self-Healing

 Forgiveness is Divine to Forgive is Divine

Mt 18:21-35
Forgiveness is Divine to Forgive is Divine
In this gospel, peter came to Jesus and asked regarding the forgiveness for his brother
"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus in answered replied, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.  
To help peter to understand Jesus says a parable of Unmerciful.
‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’
Mercy received by one is not giving mercy to others on his need
Why did he didn't forgive when he received forgiveness?
Why should we Forgive?
That is what we pray in "Lord's Prayer"
forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors but God is giving unconditional forgiveness for us We need to remember we all are not perfect, righteous and not good people, but the reason God is not looking our mistake or sins This is forgiveness
If God doesn't forgive in our life we cannot live our life
So we cannot ask ourselves how can I forgive him? who sinned against me cheated me?
Why don't you forgive others, when God forgives you when you received, is forgiveness
In a family, the father was not talking to the son for a long period of time when he was too old even the son was not talking to the father. So, the wife of the man came to the priest and explained to his problem in the family So the priest when went to his son and talked about the problem the son replied the priest "No" you don't know about my father his full of pride and strict he doesn't listen to what I say, the priest said you come with me I will talk with your when the priest and the son came to the house his father has he entered the house he started to shout him "Why did you come to Get out from my sight!" Has he said this word and as he turned his head in anger he died, seeing this his wife replied the priest "Why did you kill him!" This is what the priest went to solve the problem but in return, he when into the problem. It is the mistake of him who filled with anger and haterade with his son turning his head he died.
Even in today's world filled with anger and haterade will I forgive him? If Jesus says this to us? Our life will be waste, use of nothing. Break all your pride, anger, haterade in life.
Even In the family, we are not forgiving parents to a son, wife to husband, husband to wife, family to neighbors       

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

To be free from the curse, your disease, your problem. Forgive others in life, Before placing your sacrifice on the altar make peace with others whom you are not forgiving or enemy, forgive them and come to place your sacrifice. I don't want your sacrifice rather, I want your humble heart, the heart of forgiveness, the heart of mercy, the heart of repentance
For our life to blessed, to be happy
Forgive others, Forgive others in life

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

 The mercy of the thief

Stealing can be of 2 ways

One for the need in problem and another one can be intentionally to cheat others for there pleasure

The one who cheats for need can repent at any time but the one who does intentionally doesn't repent 

Luke 6:36 

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."

We are glad to show mercy to our family and friends.

Only Family and Friends?

No, to all because everyone is in the image and likeness of God

They can be counted on to show mercy back to us and to show mercy to us when we fail them. That is a good thing. What a blessing to live among people who show mercy to each other.

But showing mercy is raised to a new level when we are called to show mercy to people who do wrong things and to people who do wrong things to us.

So what is Mercy mercy depends on everyone how they express to other

Jesus said to be merciful as your father is mercy

"Have Mercy on me"

The True Story

One day a delivery boy after delivering the parcels to the customer

while returning to his bike suddenly 2 thieves came before him and robbed all the money from him showing the knife while was happening the boy said to them please don't do this to me and I'm struggling poverty in my family only through my earning I can feed them.

"Have Mercy on me"

Explaining all the situation to the theft they returned the money to the boy and hugged and repented for his mistake and Showed his mercy to the boy in his situation. There is no need for the theft to listen to his problem Yet everyone has a problem.

This may be a small story but an example of mercy how it can be or how you can do to other

The universal principle is that if are generous with mercy, you will receive the mercy generously

Give to other God will give to you

Mercy for Mercy

Forgiveness for Forgiveness

This like a mirror  A reflection What we do the same it returns

Mercy Works in different ways

Do Not Judge
Do Not Condemn

Be the Model of Mercy

This is what Jesus Showed how to be merciful to other

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."